Linen Hire T&C's

Damp Linen

Damp linen is very susceptible to mildew, which will ruin the cloth within a few hours. Please ensure that damp linen is left to dry before being packed back into the bags.

A full replacement charge will be made for any cloth that is damaged by mildew. 

Damaged/Stained Linen

You will be advised of any damaged or stained linen as soon as possible. All damaged linen (burns, rips, tears, graffiti & vomit) will be automatically charged. If after a wash & rewash the cloth is still stained/marked it will be charged for.


For your information the following is a guide to items that are very likely to cause stains that cannot be removed resulting in a full replacement charge being made. This is not a comprehensive list only a guide.

  • Candle wax
  • Grease & Oil
  • Ink/Pen/Crayon
  • Party poppers
  • Fake & real flower petals
  • Table confetti
  • Glow sticks
  • Red wine – We have been advised that a better quality red wine is more likely to cause major stains
  • Some food colourings – orange sauces i.e. curry
  • Ground in dirt/mud & footmarks.
  • Velcro

All charged linen will be available for inspection/collection at the depot for 14 working days after notifying you that it is to be charged for.

Replacement charges are available on request.

All damaged linen will be charged for.

June 2022